Greetings Brethren,
If there is one thing I’ve learned so far this year, it is to be dynamic and roll with the punches. One nice thing about being a member of a lodge the size of Mozart Lodge is that everyone makes a difference. As a dynamic lodge, we have been putting forth some very positive changes this year, but we still have plenty of room for improvement. I would love to receive more suggestions and comments from the Brethren. Contact me and tell me what you want us to try; tell me what you want to see us revive that the lodge used to do; tell me what you don’t like that we are doing. This is YOUR Lodge and my lodge. Be proud of it, and we let’s work together to make it the best lodge we can!
Once again, I would like to thank the members of the lodge who have been traveling with me, and supporting our lodge. February was indeed a month that kept us on our toes (when we weren’t slipping and sliding). During the first week, we had the first Official Visit of the DDGM in the 18th Masonic District, and our Chili Cook-off. First place was awarded to Robert Hudgins (JW USS NJ 62) and our very own SW George Niessner took second place. The following week, six members of Mozart Lodge traveled to Philadelphia to James W Grant Lodge #131, MWGL of PA, PHA. Due to the mid-week snowstorm, we were forced to reschedule the District EA degree until Thursday, February 11, where one candidate from Mozart Lodge was initiated. We then conferred the EA degree the next week at our Emergent Communication. Both were very fine degrees, that impressed both newly entered brethren. We now have a class of five quality Brethren eager to become Master Masons. As of this mailing, we have reservations for three full tables for the Scottish Rite dinner in Collingswood, I am sure we had a great time!
Finally, I would ask that you take the opportunity to ask a friend what he knows about Freemasonry; you might just ignite the spark he has been waiting for to ask that all important question.
Michael F Ohr Jr. – Worshipful Master