Welcome to the official website of Mozart Lodge #121 of Free & Accepted Masons. Founded in 1871 & chartered in 1872, Mozart Lodge #121 has since served as a home for Free & Accepted Masons in the Camden County area. Freemasonry offers much to its members: the opportunity to grow; the chance to make a difference; to build a better world for ourselves and our children; to practice universal benevolence. It offers a chance to work with men who share the same values and ideals. Join the largest & oldest fraternity of like minded men, whose mission is to become better men, while better serving our families & community. Please explore our website & email us with any comments or questions.
Messages from the East.
R.W. Pete G. Buchert, PGC
Greetings Brethren,
Hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday season and are looking forward to the upcoming year, both personally and Masonically. With the stock market making new highs, inflation subsiding ever so slightly and gas prices below three dollars, hopefully the stage is set for improving conditions, after several years of Covid, wars and rumors of war, and scary times with the forever lingering inflation. I don’t care what the politician’s numbers say, I’m still shocked when I stop for a sandwich or a quick run to the grocery mart. Let us all pray for a resolution to the prolonged state of war that hangs heavy on all our hearts and for the better times that lay ahead.
Around the 18th District several first time Masters have been Installed in the Oriental Chair, eager to further their knowledge in Masonry by serving their Lodge. Mozart Lodge can be proud of the support offered by the many members of Mozart, as they traveled to the various Installations to support these incoming officers. Not the least of which was the outstanding job of our own Right Worshipful Michael Mattes, DEO, who acted as Installing Marshal for several of the District Installations. M.W. Larry Plasket commented on several occasions on how proud R.W. Al Hann would be, looking down from above, with overwhelming approval. After all, Larry and Al worked together for something like thirty two years installing officers in the District. The Lodge rooms were both happy, for the beautiful continuation of tradition, and sad, for the passing of such a great man and Mason as Al Hann, P.G.J.D. Very Masonic!
On the home front, Mozart’s Installation came off nicely and I was very proud and thankful for the Brethren who stepped up in time of need, to help fill the chairs and the sidelines. The meal was outstanding, and even though I suffer from some degree prejudice, I feel that it was on par with the best in the District. Our Treasurer also seemed very pleased with the fact that Brother John over delivered yet still managed to come in under budget. You know it’s good when there are almost no leftovers to be taken home.
Pete Buchert
Mozart Lodge #121
Worshipful Master 2023
WB Roger D. Bohn Sr
WB Eric W. Newell
Jeffrey A. Schnepper
John M. Simensen
Todd A. Cottle
Michael J. O’Keefe
Before You Pay Your Dues,
Click here for important information for our Military Brethren….
and thank you for your service 🙂