Welcome to the official website of Mozart Lodge #121 of Free & Accepted Masons. Founded in 1871 & chartered in 1872, Mozart Lodge #121 has since served as a home for Free & Accepted Masons in the Camden County area. Freemasonry offers much to its members: the opportunity to grow; the chance to make a difference; to build a better world for ourselves and our children; to practice universal benevolence. It offers a chance to work with men who share the same values and ideals. Join the largest & oldest fraternity of like minded men, whose mission is to become better men, while better serving our families & community. Please explore our website & email us with any comments or questions.

Messages from the East.

R.W. Pete G. Buchert, PGC

As our Official Visit by our “District Deputy Grand Master” rapidly approaches, we celebrate another tradition of our Lodge, the “Robert Hudgins’ Chili Cook Off”, an event where we humbly pay tribute to a worthy brother taken before his time, and in addition, raise money for our various charities. A most worthwhile event that earnestly deserves the full support of those capable of giving it. Let me solicit your support by reminding you of a quote by one of the most influential founding fathers of our great nation.

“Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks
wages of gold and silver will be disappointed. The
wages of a Mason are in dealings with one another; kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason.” -Benjamin Franklin

Let me dare and broach a more controversial subject without crossing the line of the political spectrum. I recently received the “Fork in the Road” e-mail. For those who aren’t familiar with this letter, I will try and briefly explain based on what I have been told by supervision. Let me also add that no one, including supervision and several other layers of management, have no first-hand knowledge or instruction as to the substance of this letter. The letter said, “You can resign now and receive your pay and benefits until September or take your chances on being Laid Off. Period. If you want to resign, click on the resign button. The letter was not signed by anyone. Never, ever have I received a letter that wasn’t signed by the Captain, Commander, or Civilian Equivalent. Nor is there any funding to pay for the “Pig in a Poke” offer, since we are still under the “Continuous Resolution” for government finance, which is due to expire in March.

The controversy, will the 72,000 Federal employees who clicked the “Resign Button” get paid? Only time will tell. I’m seriously doubting it. Strange Days!

Pete Buchert
Mozart Lodge #121
Worshipful Master 2023

Roger D. Bohn,
Jr. Allen R Burns
Vincent M. D’Agostino
Joseph M DeCarolis
Remo DiVentura
Joseph J Hoffman, Sr.
David J Lane, Jr.
Peter A Maynard
John P McGinn, Jr

Before You Pay Your Dues,
Click here for important information for our Military Brethren….
and thank you for your service 🙂