From the East

January is a month of reflection and renewal. Many of us are recovering from the holidays and preparing for the upcoming year. Some of us are looking for-ward to an improvement in the economy, or a successful business year, or a new job opportunity. Others of us are searching for a way to keep going through the tough times. Many of us are facing problems that sometimes seem insurmount-able. Through it all we count on friends and family.

We as Masons have an additional support group, the brethren. We need to share the good times with each other, lean on each other during the difficult times, and contribute to each others’ well being. We have all promised to help, aid, and assist. We have all promised not to wrong, cheat nor defraud. It is important that we do not just learn the words but that we endeavor to live them as well. If we live up to our obligations and we help our brethren to live up to theirs, I be-lieve that we will all have a healthy and happy New Year. Make it your New Year’s Resolution to renew your Masonic friendships and your lodge connec-tions. Come to our communications. Help your lodge to continue to grow and prosper. Let your lodge help you to grown and prosper. Many of the brethren miss you and would like nothing better than renew old relationship. I hope very much to see you in January. Make it you New Year’s Resolution to reconnect with the brethren.

Your most humble and obedient servant,

George W. Niessner
Worshipful Master