Brethren, with my first message as your Worship Master, the focus will be on Masonic protocol. Regardless of your position; as an officer or a sideline member, waiting to be call on and standing while speaking is always required in Lodge when addressing the Worshipful Master. Remember walking between the altar and the East while the Lodge is open is prohibited, for it is necessary that the three Great Lights never be shadowed. While the Lodge is on refreshment, proper protocol is to sign out and in with the Junior Warden or designate. While Lodge is conferring a degree, remember it is impolite to talk on the sidelines. These conversations distract the candidates from fully enjoying and understanding the ritual. Please take this into consideration as we move forward. Thanks to all officers and brothers who made our installation a successful event. Special thanks to Worshipful Brother John Dioszeghy for a job well done as Worshipful Master in 2017.
John P. Minot
WM. Mozart Lodge #121