146th Installation of Officers (2017)
- Raising of the Colors
- Worshipful Master taking the oath and obligation
- Todd John P. Minot Keith W. Josepate
- Lou accepting his place in the lodge
- Brother Mateese accepting his place in the lodge
- David Lane Sr. Accepting his position as Tyler of the Lodge
- 146th Installation of Officers (2017)
- Current Worshipful Masters of the 18th Masonic District
- Most Worshipful of the 18th Masonic District
- W.M. John P. Minot
- Installation Dinner 2
- Installation Dinner 3
- Installation Dinner
- Congratulations Worshipful Master John P. Minot
- Installation Dinner 6
- Installation Dinner and Guests
- Junior Master of Ceremonies enjoying time with family.